Hobbies and Activities


I am a big fan of sports activities, such as soccer, running (did my first Marathon in May 2013), swimming, and table tennis. Some recent additions include tennis and golf. When I have more time, I will go on a hiking or biking trip with my friends.

My non-sporty hobbies include reading, poker (Texas Hold'em) and doing some geeky stuff. I enjoy traveling, and am a beginner to meditation.


Besides coursework and research, I am involved in various leadership activities. In 2010, I served as the VP Academic for the EECS Graduate Student Association (GSA), and worked with a group of wonderful people to organize academic and career events for EECS graduate students. I also serve as one of the EECS representatives to the MIT Graduate Student Council (GSC) in academic year 2012-2013.

Back at the University of Toronto, I was the Faculty Representative for 0T7 Electrical Engineering students from 2005 to 2006, and I also served as a student representative in the ECE Lecturer Search Committee in 2007.


I am fortunate to receive the following fellowships and awards, and would like to acknowledge the generosity of the sponsors here.

Graduate studies

Undergraduate studies

Geeky stuff

In the old days I programmed in C/C++, occasionally in Java. Now Python is my favorite choice, but I can use Ruby as well. Vim is the text editor that I cannot live without!

Over time I have written various scripts and Vim plugins to make some tasks more efficient, and I will release them once I get time to package them up.

Some facts...