I am a big fan of sports activities, such as soccer, running (did my first Marathon in May 2013),
swimming, and table tennis. Some recent additions include
tennis and golf. When I have more time, I will go on a hiking
or biking trip with my friends.
My non-sporty hobbies include reading, poker (Texas Hold'em) and doing some geeky stuff. I enjoy traveling, and
am a beginner to meditation.
Besides coursework and research, I am involved in various
leadership activities. In 2010, I served as the VP
Academic for the
EECS Graduate Student Association (GSA),
and worked with a group of wonderful people to organize
academic and career events for EECS graduate students.
I also serve as one of the EECS representatives to the
MIT Graduate Student Council (GSC)
in academic year 2012-2013.
Back at the University of Toronto, I was the Faculty
Representative for 0T7 Electrical Engineering students from
2005 to 2006, and I also served as a student
representative in the ECE Lecturer Search Committee in 2007.
I am fortunate to receive the
following fellowships and awards, and would like to acknowledge the
generosity of the sponsors here.
Graduate studies
Undergraduate studies
William L. Everitt
Student Award of Excellence
International Engineering Consortium (2008)
- J.E. Reid Memorial Prize (2008)
Undergraduate Summer Research Awards (2005 & 2007)
TD Meloche Monnex Scholarship (2007)
Broadcast Technology Scholarship(2007)
- The Adel S. Sedra Outstanding Student Awards (2006)
- IEEE Canada-Toronto Section Scholarship (2006)
- Andrew Alexander Kinghorn Scholarship (2006)
- Nortel Institute Undergraduate Scholarship (2006)
In the old days I programmed in
occasionally in Java.
Now Python is my favorite choice,
but I can use Ruby as well.
Vim is the text editor that I cannot live without!
Over time I have written various scripts and Vim
plugins to make some tasks more efficient, and I will
release them once I get time to package them up.
vim-pandoc: a Vim plugin for the excellent pandoc!
vim-doctest: a Vim plugin to execute python doctest and display results in the same window. Essential for test-driven development!
pyzoetero: a collection of Python scripts that interface with the bibliography manager Zotero.
local_mapreduce: a Python script that implements the
MapReduce paradigm on a local machine in parallel via
xargs. This is suitable if you are processing a few
GBs of data on a decent multi-core machine and want to get it done
awk_split: a script that split the contents in a file based on certain substring patterns of each line.
Some facts...
My email address on Home is
obfuscated via javascript. It is effective
based on the number of spam emails I received.
I edit this homepage via HTML and CSS directly. Thanks to Vim, it is actually easy!
All my internships during grad school involve writing code in Python.
I like prime numbers.